Splunk Observability Day Speakers

Build-Time Auto-Instrumentation in Android 

Speaker: Jason Plumb, Software Engineer

Tuesday, November 12 | 2:40-3:05pm MT | 255 BC

This session provides an in-depth dissection and live demonstration of OpenTelemetry’s build-time auto-instrumentation for Android. Class-loading in the Android runtime poses significant challenges to instrumentation engineers looking for attach or injection points. Fortunately, developers can now use off-the-shelf OpenTelemetry tools to instrument their applications without the need to manually instrument or even alter their application code. We will cover the benefits of front-loading bytecode weaving to build time, the tools used by OpenTelemetry to accomplish this, and the types of rich client-side telemetry created through this approach.

Note: Observability Day sessions require a co-located event pass to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon

Unlocking Advanced Processing Capabilities with OpenTelemetry
Speaker: Aunsh Chaudhari, Senior Product Manager

Tuesday, November 12 | 2:40-3:05pm MT | 255 EF

OpenTelemetry stands at the forefront of modern observability, providing a robust framework for collecting, processing, and exporting telemetry data in complex distributed systems. In this session, we will go over how you can benefit from the processing capabilities of OpenTelemetry, presenting an exploration of different features and their impact on optimizing observability. We will talk through real world examples and best practices allowing you to control costs, reduce data volume, balance overhead, and focus on critical telemetry data. By the end of this session, you will know how to transform, filter, sample and route data effectively at scale with OpenTelemetry.

Note: Observability Day sessions require a co-located event pass to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon

Splunk KubeCon Session Speakers

OpenTelemetry Project Update
Panelist: Morgan McLean, Senior Director, Product Management

Wednesday, November 13 | 3:25-4:00 pm MT | Regency Ballroom BCD

This is the official OpenTelemetry session at Kubecon. OpenTelemetry started with distributed traces and metrics, but the project's vision has always been to provide whatever signals are needed from infrastructure, services, and more. This session will focus on what's coming next, including new signals and sources. Join to learn about OpenTelemetry's new logging functionality, including its two logging paths, the benefits of each, and real-world production examples. We'll show the power of the next wave of OpenTelemetry enhancements, including profiling and the insights that this unlocks in combination with distributed traces, and how we're extending your observability to client applications. We'll wrap up with a Q&A of 10+ project maintainers, who can speak to these topics and more.

Mastering OpenTelemetry Collector Configuration
Speaker: Steve Flanders, Senior Director of Engineering

Thursday, November 14 | 4:30-5:30pm MT | Grand Ballroom HJ

Configuring the OpenTelemetry Collector can be a daunting task for both novices and seasoned professionals alike. Yet, mastering this crucial aspect is essential for unlocking the full potential of your observability stack. In this session, you will embark on a journey to gain the knowledge and skills needed to conquer common OpenTelemetry Collector configuration challenges. This session will draw from real-world experiences and best practices and provide live demonstrations to navigate the intricacies of OpenTelemetry Collector configuration. Whether you are a novice looking to get started or a seasoned veteran seeking to level up your skills, this session promises to empower you with the knowledge and confidence needed to properly and efficiently configure the OpenTelemetry Collector.

OpenTelemetry Contribfest
Speaker: Piotr Kiełkowicz, OpenTelemetry .NET Maintainer

Friday, November 15 | 4:00-5:30pm MT | 355 A

Join the OpenTelemetry maintainers to make the project better for everyone. You can choose between several opportunities to contribute and you can count on maintainers from different project areas to help you on your first steps, from documentation, to Collector, Java, Ruby, Python, .NET and more.