As the summer temps continue to heat up, Splunk is headed to Vegas for Black Hat 2023. To kick off Black Hat we are hosting a cool & refreshing welcome event at Flanker Kitchen + Sports Bar, located within Mandalay Bay Resort.

Network with peers, have some delicious food and enjoy a beverage (or two) on us as we kick off an exciting week in Vegas.

Come by and say hi, grab a drink, meet someone new and grab some swag!


Tuesday | August 8, 2023 | 6:00 - 9:00 PM


Flanker Kitchen + Sports Bar, Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, NV

We know a great conference can't happen without some lively tunes, kickin' views, and fun. Flanker Kitchen + Sports Bar features a sick karaoke bar full of cool & moody vibes. Grab your co-workers and head over to the Splunk Welcome Event to sing the security tunes.

Space is limited.

Register today. We look forward to welcoming you at Black Hat 2023!

Thank you to our Partner Sponsors: